Hi! We are Paolo, Andrea, Alberto & Marta

gardens of versailles

Since 2024, we have been telling the story of the Palace of Versailles through detailed guides, informative articles and striking photographs, thus celebrating one of the most precious treasures of France’s artistic heritage. The creation of our site was born out of a desire to inspire deeper and more fulfilling travel.

We believe that sharing our knowledge, tips and insights about the Palace of Versailles can enrich the experience of anyone who chooses to explore it. Our goal is for our readers, including you who are reading now, to find in our words and pictures an authentic guide to experience and remember their adventures in Paris in a unique way.

Since its launch in 2024, from our simple home studio, our site has become an essential resource for anyone wishing to explore the Palace of Versailles in depth.

It is important to clarify that this is not the official website of the Palace of Versailles, but an independent portal run by enthusiasts, now reaching tens of thousands of visitors each month. These are different people, with different budgets, dreams, and priorities, all sharing a desire to discover Paris and its magnificence.

This is not the official website of the Palace of Versailles

Welcome to our Parisian haven. Here you won’t find marketing tips or attractions promoted by sponsors. Everything we share comes from our lived experiences, rooted in the heart of the Palace we love so much.

We are here to share with you, our guest, the deep connection we have with Paris. We don’t just give you advice on what to see or where to go; rather, we want to take you on a journey of discovery with us.

Paris is our muse, the inexhaustible source of our inspirations. We wish to guide you through its streets, its flavors and its colors. versailleschateau.com is an invitation to experience Paris with new eyes, with the curiosity of an explorer and the deep passion of a lover of culture. Whether you have little or a lot of time, whether you are traveling with family or friends, we are here to offer you honest accounts and authentic suggestions to make every moment unforgettable.

Thank you for joining us on this adventure. We hope our words add a special touch to your experience in Paris. We look forward to seeing you within the pages of our site, where passion and authenticity are at home.

palace of versailles inner court

The people behind the site

The website versailleschateau.com began as a project between friends, with the aim of helping visitors discover the best of Versailles attractions. Today it has become one of the most important tourism resources in Paris.

But who are the people behind the project?

paolo sanetti

Paul Sanetti

My name is Paolo, I am a software engineer with a strong passion for technological innovation. Genoese by origin, I like to explore the world with a creative approach, which is also reflected in my love for music: I play drums in a band. Traveling to discover new places is one of my passions. Within the team, I take care of the technical management of the site and contribute articles that combine in-depth research and personal travel experiences, offering readers an authentic and original view of the Palace of Versailles.

Andrea Semonella

Andrea Semonella

I am Andrea, an avid traveler with a deep love for art and culture, with a particular devotion to Italy’s artistic heritage. Although my explorations take me all over the world, it is here that I feel my heart beating faster. With this project, I am dedicated to sharing the wonders and hidden secrets of the Palace of Versailles. I spend my days at the computer, developing SEO strategies to make our site stand out and make it accessible to anyone who wants to discover this magnificent treasure.

alberto frulla

Alberto Frulla

I am a boat designer with a passion for travel and exploration. Italy, with its rich history, is my favorite destination. I find inspiration in the Palace of Versailles, imagining the lives and stories of its visitors throughout the centuries. For me, this monument represents the perfect meeting of history and mystery, a combination that fuels my creativity in nautical design.

marta whites

Marta Bianchi

Since childhood, I have had the opportunity to travel to many parts of the world, but Paris has always held a special fascination for me that has captured me. In my spare time, I love to experiment in the kitchen, especially in baking. I am a web designer and developer, and have had the privilege of designing the website since its inception, helping to transform it into what it is today.

Do you want to get in touch with us?

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Scrivi una mail a info@versailleschateau.com o compila il form qui sotto. Rispondiamo sempre a tutti.